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Felicity Pritchett

Author, wine merchant, cook

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I'm a Surrey-based author who also loves to cook - the problem is, I spend ages perfecting a recipe - learning from my mistakes and finding the right ingredients - and then I don't write it down and *bof* by the next time I want to try it, I've forgotten it. So this blog is my recipe repository for all my favourite tried, retried, tried again and then tested recipes.


I also make 'small eats' for wine tastings and will try to put suggestions for great wines to try with each dish.


Why LarderThenLife? Because the larder is my happy place - and it's full of so many ingredients from lentils to linguine, chutney to cheesey biscuits - and there are plenty of evenings spent larder foraging for supper. Most of these recipes will involve something scavenged from the pantry...


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